FAL Colm Sráide.png

Focal an Lae


Seo daoibh mo dhúshlán don tréibhse dianghlasáil Covid-19: Focal an Lae a tharraingt is a phóstáil gach uile lá.

Tá fáilte roimh tuismitheoirí, múinteoirí nó duine ar bith iad a phriontáil amach le crochadh suas, le dathú, cluichí a chumadh, nó pé rud eile gur mian libh (úsáid pearsanta amháin dar ndóigh) - cliceáil anseo

Beidh ghnáthphriontaí ealaíne ar fáil sa siopa théis an dianghlasáil.


Here’s my personal isolation-challenge for the duration of the Covid-19 lockdown: I’ll be drawing and posting a word of the day in Irish

Parents/teachers/anyone who fancies it - feel free to print these out to hang up, make games with, or whatever you like (just not for commercial use), click here.

Art prints will be available in the shop once the lockdown is over.